Dienstag, 7. Juni 2011


Dear followers, 
different circumstances have led us to the conclusion to go on as a duo (without Andrew and Adriano). We are now facing the challenge to become deeper involved with our computers´ capabilities and EBP-fans can expect the band to sound live a lot more like on their recordings. We´re going to spend the next few months mainly on recording and producing the overdue first EBP-LP. Jan is going to perform a few solo-gigs in New York and all over the US during june. Fall will have us back with a brand-new sound and a fresh face for shows and releases. In the meantime you should check out our updated website, buy a shirt and/or a bag there, visit us on bandcamp and buy our songs there, and keep yourself updated on this very blog. Oh - and there is an Evol Bum Pearl flickr-account now, that feeds you with photos of the band´s life. Have a great summer. 
// Jan & Stephan